The Reigning Prince of Peace

Isaiah 9.6At Christmastime we recite the well-known story of Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus from Luke Chapter 2.  We exchange gifts and spare no expense in decorating our homes, our work spaces and even our vehicles.  We display our nativity sets and sing “Silent Night” in remembrance of the greatest gift the world has ever received:  the birth of its Savior.  We gorge ourselves on Christmas goodies, treats and feasts, excusing our gluttony in Jesus’ Name.  It is His birthday we are celebrating, after all.

Yet there is something going on in the spiritual realm that is immensely bigger than anything we can wrap our little human minds around.  Father God, who orchestrated this entire event that we have been celebrating for over 2,000 years, is grander and infinitely wiser than the most intellectually elite, and we would do well to heed His majesty and sovereignty.    He created the earth and all who inhabit her; and He is in complete control of how His well-laid plan will unfold for humanity, and for each of us individually.

Yes, we are given free-will and endure consequences to our choices, good or bad.  But He designed a plan for mankind, and His will shall ultimately come to pass.  He gave His Son as a sacrifice to pay our insurmountable debt, so that we may be reunited with Him, our Creator.  Once Jesus paid that debt with His own blood on the Cross at Calvary, our salvation was sealed.  All we must do is repent, ask for His forgiveness (which He is quick to extend in His mercy and grace), and commit our lives to Him forever.  We can be assured that we will spend eternity in Heaven with Jesus and our Heavenly Father, but what about today?

It took me a long time to truly grasp the meaning of “Let go and let God.”  But once we realize that we are His children, covered by His blood and His promises, then we truly have nothing to fear.  We can release the worrisome waves that drown us in anxiety, anger, depression, sickness and despair.  Once we give our lives over to the Prince of Peace, then and only then, may we know the peace that passes understanding.  (Philippians 4:7)  The Bible says that even the government shall be upon His shoulders.  (Whew!)

Whatever emotions this Christmas conjures up in your spirit, let the Spirit of the Prince of Peace wash over you, and rest easy.  No matter what troubles may come, He has never lost control, nor will He.  I do not understand a lot of things in this world, but I know that my life is hidden in Christ, and I lay it all down at His feet.  My life is in His very capable hands.  And with that assurance, I rejoice at His coming as a baby in a manger, and look forward for His soon return!  He is coming again!